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With the help of this additional module of the visitor management software ID VisitControl, you have Client Management you get the possibility to separate data records with the one-time licensing of the corresponding modules. This allows So you to can enter visitor data in the software ID VisitControl software and manage it them separately from different locations. Each location can therefore only view and change its data.In the following documentation we will explain the benefits of the additional module Client Managementown data.

Especially for companies with different locations, the additional module Client Management is perfectly suitable suited to separate visitor data optimally perfectly with one system and to thus enable a structural workflow.In addition, you save the cost of licensing and installing several visitor software programs and the associated maintenance costs.


The system runs on one database, which simplifies your backups as well as maintenance.

Separation of data between clients concerns, among others:

  • Visitors

  • Companies

  • Visits information

  • Visits history

  • Separation of the configuration of each client

    • Settings

    • Visual adjustments

    • Translations

If required, it is possible to copy data such as translations, settings or other configurations from one client to another, thus saving time for configuration and fine-tuning, for example.

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