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In the kiosk of ID VisitControl, the visitor can independently register by himself, incl. signature and display of a corresponding instruction text.
With the additional module badge printing in kiosk, an automatic printout of the visitor badge can be added.

The Kiosk module enables your visitors to register independently and intuitively using tablet PCs or a touch screen. This makes visitor management noticeably easier for you and leads to a better visitor experience for your customers.
The printing of the visitor badge can be printed automatically after saving the signature or, depending on the configuration, only after approval by your reception.


In the administration at other settings > License you can select for which sort of visitor you want to trigger the print.

Image RemovedImage Added

Under the section Gates you will find the detailed settings for the badge printout. Here you also have the option to run a second printout in parallel.

Via Preview you control if the print has to be executed directly or whether it has to be previewed first by your reception.

How to register in the kiosk, can be found here: