EQ FastReport Company - eq_fr_res_company
This module is the first step for the FastReport setup. It allows the user to set and test the FastReport API connection and adds the company information into the base report.
By downloading this module, you will be able to:
Select the FastReport API URL, username and password under the company settings
Select and set the Base FastReport template (.frx file) adding the company information
Test the FastReport API connection
Structure of the module
Module Dependency Diagram
Module Inverse Dependency Diagram
No controllers.
Models and Classes
New Classes
Inherited Classes
New Models
ConnectionWizard: transient model to show when successful connection with FastReport API.
Inherited Models
EqResCompanyReport: inherits from ResCompany and sets the FastReport URL, username, password and base report name from the form in the company settings view. Also contains the methods to test and set the API connection and the base report.
IrConfigParameter: inherits from IrConfigParameter and set the fr_api_url field in ResCompany model records with the corresponding FastReport API URL (system parameter) set by the user.
Class Diagram
No scripts.
Company Settings view (eq_res_company_view.xml)
Add new fields in FastReport form view and buttons to test connection and set the base FastReport template.