FastReport API

There is also a way to test the FastReport rendering though the REST-API. The necessary documentation can be found through the API URL given adding the path /swagger. (Example:

Find here an example of a POST request via Postman to upload the database (.db3) file and get the report in different output types.

The output types available are:

  • txt

  • xml

  • pdf

  • png

  • jpg

  • tiff

  • ods: Open Document Spreadsheet

  • odt: Open Document Text

  • xls: Microsoft Excel

  • doc: Microsoft Word

Set the type request: POST and the specific endpoint to use: API URL + /api/Reports/upload/SQLiteReport in this case  (Example:

Then set the Body parameters:

  • reportname: this name must be the same as the Template Name (report_name)

  • format: export type

  • filename: name of the database file to upload (without the 3 at the end)

  • input: database file input (.db3 file) in SQLite format

  • base_report_name: filename of the base report template (.frx type) uploaded to the API

To download the content press Save Response and Save the rendered FastReport with the specified format in your local system.

Find here two examples of different formats: Microsoft Word and PDF output types for a Sale Order FastReport.


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