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In the following we will explain how you can configure the individual texts, buttons and elements in almost every screen of ID VisitControl.
This includes visibility, translations and mandatory field activation of fields and buttons.

The mask routing is built up from left to right.

  1. The display of which view element you are currently editing. This is helpful because the lists of views and elements can be quite long.

  2. Views, these are the respective mask names. Some views have the same name & function for different areas - these same views are then additionally prefixed with e.g. "Intra", "Kiosk", "Admin". In the first position of the list there is a search field. If you know the exact name of the mask you are looking for, you can find it more quickly using the search field.

  3. All elements that are on the view selected on the left.
    Via the symbol of the blue flag, you can see at a glance which of the elements is a mandatory field.
    Via the crossed-out eye, you can see which of the elements has been hidden.

  4. The control of mandatory field and visibility for an element (don't forget to save).

  5. The translation of the selected element per language.

  6. A list of the other views on which the same element is used and which setting (mandatory field/visibility) prevails for this view. If, for example, you want to make a change to the name of the companies, you can use this list to quickly jump to the other screens to make the setting (do not forget to save, for each change).

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