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You can find pre-registered visitors with a click in a list. From this page you can quickly access other pages and work quickly and easily.

In the following documentation, we explain detailed steps to the list of pre-registered visitors in the reception module.

First click on the Pre-registered visitor button.

Here you have the choice to reprint a label without registering a new visit. With the button reprint you reach the selection page which visitor and which category you would like to print again.

Click on the print icon.
In the search field you can search for visitors, companies, groups and employees.
To return to the Pre-registered page, click Back at the top left.

You can also simply register a long-term visitor here.

Here you can register the indicated long-term visitors by clicking on Sign-on.
To return to the pre-registered page, click Back in the upper left corner.

You can register a new visitor. To do this, simply click on the Sign-on button.

Here you can now select individual, group visitor or multi visitor registration. Proceed as described in the registration procedure.
By clicking on the Back button you will return to the main menu.

The button Currently on site, brings you to the list of all visitors who are currently in the house.

You can unsubscribe visitors by clicking on the Logout icon.
To return to the Pre-registered page, click Back at the top left.

You have different choices for each visitor. For example, you can print the visitor's label again by clicking on the print symbol.
You can change a visitor's data by clicking on the editing icon.

When you have changed or added all the required information, click Next in the upper right corner.

To return to the main menu, click the Back button.

(You will find an english subtitle in the video)

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