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In the following documentation, we will show you how to enter all fields fully by importing a completed Excel file.

Once you have activated the necessary license and the function, you will find a new button called "Download" in the multi-visitor search overview, both during registration and pre-registration.

Download the Excel spreadsheet to enter all the important data.

By clicking the button you will get the required Excel document.

Open the Excel spreadsheet and first fill in all the required fields in the Excel spreadsheet.

Fields marked in red are required.

Once you have filled in all the fields, save the Excel spreadsheet in your files so that you can find and clearly assign them again in the next step.

Switch back to the multi-visitor overview screen and use the "Import" button.

In the following screen you have to select the Excel file on your computer.

If the visitors do not already exist, ID VisitControl automatically creates all visitors specified in the Excel spreadsheet.

Here you see Mr. Künkeler from the company Kunststoff GmbH, with the red button, does not exist yet.

Now, when you click the Next button, the logic will go through these visitors one by one and add them as in manual capture.

You will get to the detailed view of all new visitors and the corresponding companies to check them again.

The information you have entered in the Excel spreadsheet has already been created and only needs to be confirmed.

When using the Edit company button, you can check the company's data and complete it if necessary.

By clicking the Next button, you can still see an overview for which employee the multi-visitors will arrive.

Then press Next again to complete the process.

We have also created a video on this topic for clarification.

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