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In the following we will explain how to configure the individual masks in your visitor software ID VisitControl.

First click on the button Other Settings and then on Mask configuration.

In the left column, select the object you want to edit. Here now Admin Categories.

A further column opens with all editing options for your selected object. Now click on any object to open and change it. Here now btnSave.

You have the possibility to mark a field as a mandatory field and you can decide whether a field should be visible for the user by checking the box in the respective field.
You can also add the translation in the desired languages. To do this, simply write the translation of the German word in the respective field.
Click on the Save button in the upper right corner to confirm your changes.
In the right column Used in following masks, you will find all pages on which the element btbSave is still used. Click for example on AdminDepartments.

When you have changed or inserted all the required information, confirm this with the Save button.

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