Your employees can view their upcoming visits at any time and thus keep an even better overview.
They only see the visitors pre-registered for themselves.

You can find pre-registered visitors with one click in the list Pre-registered.

In the overview you can find all open pre-registrations that have been created by you or entered for your user.

Button: Today - With this button you can limit the selection to all of today with one click, without having to use the search filter for the period for this.

Button: Print (top) - Print a tabular list of all pre-registered visitors. If you have previously used the search by period, you can limit the printing of the list via this.

Action button: Edit - Edit the record of the visit.

Action button: E-Mail - Here you send the pre-registration e-mail to the visitor again. (Only available with the Office add-on module)

Action button: Delete - Delete the pre-registration.

Effective search

You can search for up to 3 words at the same time and thus search very precisely.
The words used can search all the table information, for example, you can specify the last name of the visit, the company name and a name of the employee to be visited.

All you have to do is separate the words with a space.