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The email templates for ID VisitControl are very powerful in their functional possibilities.
Here we help you to understand and use the structure as well as the setting options.

Illustration: In the overview of email templates, you have the option to export & import templates in addition to the usual functions such as edit and duplicate.

The template page is divided into the following sections:

Basic email information


The name of the template is only visible in the administration and should clearly indicate which template it is.


Subject of the e-mail sent.


Here you define the content of the e-mail. The variables that you can use in the email for the data can be found in the box on the right and can be added to the email content by clicking on them.

Send e-mail as HTML

If you want to send the e-mail unformatted in plain text form, you must uncheck this box. The HTML text above it will then be changed to a plain text field. The variables from the right-hand side can also be used in text form.

Receiver settings

External (mail to visitors)

This checkbox defines if the e-mail should be sent to a visitor who is part of the pre-registration.

Internal (mail to employees)

If "Internal" is activated, the email is sent to the employee who is to be visited.

Assistance mode

The assistance mode can only be activated if "Internal" is activated. Instead of being sent to the staff member to be visited, the e-mail is sent to the user who created the visit.

Receiver (distributor)

You can also send the e-mails to a separate distribution list/mail recipient without having to send it to the visitor or staff member. This is the field for.


Send the e-mail to another, fixed recipient without this recipient being visible to the recipients (distribution list).
This BCC e-mail is only valid for recipients (distribution list).

Extra CC

An additional checkbox "Extra CC" can be activated for the registration and pre-registration (reception + intranet). If another person or group within the company is to be informed about a visit only in rare cases, the employee can activate the checkbox individually, e.g. during pre-registration, and thus inform the person or group.

Availability of the template for a module section

The availability of the templates provides a better overview and handling within the administration. By deactivating/activating for areas, the selection of e-mail templates in the gates is easier to overview.

Example of template selection in the “Gates”:

Office Calendar Settings

ICS (appointment)

If you want to attach an appointment to your visit via ICS file of the e-mail.

Location (ics file)

Expand the ICS file with the desired location for the appointment, e.g. useful for different locations.

E-mail attachments

No attachment for internal mails

This means that attachments are not included in e-mails to your employees, thus saving traffic and storage space.

Report in the appendix

You can create and send a report to the visitor via e-mail. For example, the visitor badge including barcode.

Attachment 1 - 3

Further possibility for attachments, such as “how to get there” and safety instructions.

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