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Create your own forms for your visit.
This tutorial explains by means of an example where and how you can create and customize your own form.

You can find the view for your own forms in the administration on the Visitor Portal tab under Visitor Form.

With the following example form, we will demonstrate the use and presentation of a new form:

Create a new form using the New button.

In the new view you assign a name for the form.
With Active we can enable the form for selection in pre-registrations.

Please note, the name of the form is later visible to the visitor, when he has to give his signature to confirm which forms he has read and filled in.

After saving, you will return to the form overview.

Now select Form-Elements to continue editing the form.

Your new form is still empty, with New you add the first element.

For detailed explanations of the individual attributes, please see at the end of this help page.

We will first create a heading element (Headline). Fill in the form element as shown in the screenshot:

Save this form element.

Create another element, here we now want to ask a question to the visitor.

Save this form element.

At the end we want to create an input field for the answer option.

Create another element in the form element overview with the following parameters.

Save this form element.

If everything worked out, you should now have the following listing in the form overview:


Your visitor will now be additionally asked in the visitor portal with the following form:

For more help on the current form elements to customize the content of the forms, see the separate page: Form elements.

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