ID VisitControl Module Intranet

ID VisitControl Module Intranet

Intranet module documentation

Via the Intranet module of the visitor management, visitors or visitor groups are pre-registered by the employees of your company themselves, immediately after the appointment has been made.

Each employee can enter planned visits independently in the Intranet module and pre-register a visit. It is not necessary to contact the reception to transmit the data of the guest or to announce a visit.

Thus your employees do not only have an overview of their forthcoming visits, additionally the visitors profit at the time of their arrival by a still faster completion of the registration at the visitor reception and receive fast with few Klicks the visitor identity card. The visitor administration will show at regular intervals a safety instruction, which the visitor must sign. This security instruction can then be handed in digitally at the reception desk using a signature pad.

Below you will find detailed documentation on how to use ID VisitControl.

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