Other Settings - Licence
With each licence you can activate further functions for the ID VisitControl. This way you can fine-tune your system to your own requirements.
The settings are based on the 4 main areas and the additional modules.
- 1 Licence
- 2 Reception (Empfang)
- 3 Server
- 4 Intranet
- 5 Kiosk
- 6 Client Management (Multi Company)
- 7 Module 1 - Signature Pad
- 8 Module 2 - Assistant function Intranet
- 9 Module 3 - Multi-Visitor
- 10 Module 4 - Barcode Registration
- 11 Module 5 - Single-Sign-On
- 12 Module 6 - Separation of Gates
- 13 Module 7 - Notifications
- 14 Module 8 - Kiosk Print
- 15 Module 9 - Webcam in Empfang
- 16 Module 10 - Excel Import
- 17 Module 11 - Office
- 18 Module 12 - Data Verification
- 19 Module 13 - Clean Data
- 20 Module 14 - PinIdent Web
- 21 Module 15 - Visitor Portal
The system is set up and pre-configured together with you.
You still have the option of configuring the system with additional modules. If they are licensed, you will receive a new licence file from us, which you can update here at Upload licence.
Reception (Empfang)
You will find the number of reception ports included in your licence displayed in the blue bar at the top right.
Company autocomplete (min amount of characters)
The number of characters typed in to enable the search/selection of a company.
Employee autocomplete (min amount of characters)
The number of characters typed in to enable the search/selection of a employee.
Show Help Links
In the main menu of the reception, help links can be displayed for each area, which are shown directly next to the menu item and lead to the respective help page.
Car Plate Required
The field "License plate" becomes a mandatory field as soon as the checkbox "Car Access" is activated in the registration.
This setting only affects the registration area, but not the pre-registration in the Reception module.
PreSelect Empfang Gates
In the user settings, an employee can define a gate for him or herself, which is then preselected when logging on to the gate. The preselection for a gate can also be made in the administration in the employee settings.
Background print
In this case, printing is transferred to the print job via the server.
Massprint for PreRegistered List
Enables a new button in the list of pre-registrations. This allows reception staff to run a report for all records displayed in the list at once. Whether they want to print badges for pre-registrations or put a list of upcoming ones on paper. This depends on the report that is set.
You can configure the associated report using the button in Administration > Gate > "Massprint".
If you use the printout for badges, you can prevent a new printout (of badges) with a corresponding setting. This can be found in module area 8 (Kiosk print) with the setting "Prevent double printing (if already printed once)".
Show signatures, if available
Show signatures if availableIndicates a column with icon for a quick check of the signature status. This column is added in the following masks:
Visitor search (registration and pre-registration).
List of pre-registrants
Visitor list
Green icon: Signature present and still valid.
Grey icon: signature not yet available.
Red icon: Signature present but no longer valid.
Hide Single-Day Longterm visitors
The ability to allow a visitor multiple accesses on the same day can be used to make a visitor a permanent visitor for one day only. To prevent these entries from unnecessarily cluttering the "list of permanent visitors", you can have the visitors with only one day hidden there.
Departure Date and Time empty by default
By default, the "will go" timestamp is added to the "will come" time +1 hour. With this option enabled, the "will go" period will not be pre-filled.
City as an optional field
When creating a company, the city is a mandatory field. With this setting, you can make the city an optional field of the company, but it requires another adjustment.
You must deactivate the function of the mandatory field in the mask configuration of the administration for the desired masks (e.g. RegisterCompany in the reception).
Activate Applicants Logic
The applicant logic (private registrations) activates a new button for registrations or pre-registrations in the reception or intranet. These are set to "private" and cannot be deactivated on this screen.
Disable Permanent Visitors
In the registration and pre-registration, the periods for permanent visitors must be selected separately in the corresponding date fields. By deactivating this selection, a logic is activated in which the query of the period (from / to visit period) is queried; if this period is 2 or more days, a pop-up appears with the query whether a permanent visit period should be created.
Activate Popup for Same-Day Longterm Visitors
For a permanent visit, the visit period must be at least 2 or more days. With this option, you can also create permanent visitors for only 1 day, for example if your visitor has to pass through the gates or reception more than once a day. To do this, the "Will go" date must be selected again in the registration or pre-registration process and set to the same date, then the pop-up appears with the query for the permanent visitor for 1 day.
A visitor's first and last name are now always stored in reception in capital letters; this applies to both new registrations and pre-registrations.
Activate Private Flag
The “company” field is mandatory. By using this "Private" checkbox, you allow visitors to mark the visit as private in the kiosk registration instead of having to select a company.
Private Company
A placeholder company is assigned to the private visit, you must select this company here. You only have to carry out this process once.
To do this, create a new company in the reception module. For a simple assignment, most ID VisitControl users simply assign "Private" as the company name and only set a hyphen for the "Location" of the company.
In the search field of the licence page in the administration, you can now search for the company record "private". This is given here for you to select. After selecting the company, an ID (as a number) from the data record is entered here and linked (do not forget to save).
Now you only have to log out of reception, intranet or kiosk and log in again. Then the correct company record will be selected with the user of the "private” checkbox.
Password requirements
When creating new users (employees) via the administration, passwords now have a minimum requirement that they must meet in order for a password to be accepted. There are up to 5 settings that the password must be able to fulfil.
At least X characters
Must contain upper case letters
Must contain lower case letters
Must contain a number
Must contain special characters
When a new staff member is created (or an existing local user is edited), the password criteria query comes into play.
If one of the set criteria is not fulfilled, the user cannot be saved.
The query of the password criteria are always based on the first password field.
Show Help Links
In the main menu of the intranet, help links can be displayed for each area, which are shown directly next to the menu item and lead to the respective help page.
PreSelect Intranet Gates
In the user settings, an employee can define a gate for him or herself, which is then preselected for pre-registrations in the intranet. The preselection for a gate can also be made in the administration in the staff settings.
Background print
In this case, printing is transferred to the print job via the server.
Departure Date and Time empty by default
By default, the "will go" timestamp is added to the "will come" time +1 hour. With this option enabled, the "will go" period will not be pre-filled.
City as an optional field
When creating a company, the city is a mandatory field. With this setting, you can make the city an optional field of the company, but it requires another adjustment.
You must deactivate the function of the mandatory field in the mask configuration of the administration for the desired masks (e.g. RegisterCompany in the reception).
Activate Applicants Logic
The applicant logic (private registrations) activates a new button for registrations or pre-registrations in the reception or intranet. These are set to "private" and cannot be deactivated on this screen.
Disable Permanent Visitors
In the registration and pre-registration, the periods for permanent visitors must be selected separately in the corresponding date fields. By deactivating this selection, a logic is activated in which the query of the period (from / to visit period) is queried; if this period is 2 or more days, a pop-up appears with the query whether a permanent visit period should be created.
Activate Popup for Same-Day Longterm Visitors
For a permanent visit, the visit period must be at least 2 or more days. With this option, you can also create permanent visitors for only 1 day, for example if your visitor has to pass through the gates or reception more than once a day. To do this, the "Will go" date must be selected again in the registration or pre-registration process and set to the same date, then the pop-up appears with the query for the permanent visitor for 1 day.
A visitor's first and last name are now always stored in reception in capital letters; this applies to both new registrations and pre-registrations.
Activate Pin Only Mode
The normal workflow of the visitor self-registration includes the re-entry of his data or the selection of his visit data by means of a name search. With the PIN Only mode, you can add another option. Here, the visitor has the option of either using a PIN as authentication for his visit (you can send the PIN in advance by e-mail, for example) or even by barcode/QR code, so that the visitor simply has to scan it.
The screen for PIN entry / scan appears directly after the language selection.
You must also activate this function again in the settings of the gates for a gate of your choice.
ACtivate Kiosk COVID Form
After the visitor data, you can add a special mask to query a COVID form. You can maintain this form in the administration under "Mask configuration" on the "KioskCovidForm" view.
You must also activate this function again in the settings of the gates for a gate of your choice.
Kiosk Signature Mode
For more information on the signature mode and how it works, see our subpages on Additional module - Signature pad .
A more detailed separation regarding the different modes may follow in the future. Until then, please feel free to contact our support team with your questions.
Enable usage pre-registrations during registration process
Allows the visitor to select an already created pre-registration for the visit. However, this requires the visitor to select the correct record with first/last name, but also saves some data entry.
Show only pre-registrations of today
In the case of pre-registrations, future dates are also displayed for the selected visitor. This display can be limited to the current dates.
Redirect Time (in sec.)
After a successful registration by the kiosk, a completion page is displayed. The duration of the display for this page is configured via this.
Exact Visitor Search
Visitors who have visited you previously can find their record again via the kiosk to make it easier to enter the data. If you activate the exact visitor search, the spelling of first and last names must be exact so that your visitor can find the data. Otherwise, visitors could find many records/historical visitors by entering a single letter.
Exact Employee Search
As with the exact visitor search, the exact employee search requires the entry of first and last names. If your visitor only knows the last name of the staff, it may be easier to deactivate the exact staff search.
Min. 3 Characters Search
The search for visitors or employees can be restricted so that the search only starts from 3 characters used. This restriction applies to the visitor and employee search.
Car Plate Required
Das Feld “KFZ-Nummer” wird zum Pflichtfeld, sobald in der Anmeldung am Kiosk die Checkbox “Zufahrt nötig” aktiviert ist. Diese Einstellung betrifft nur den Bereich der Anmeldung über den Kiosk.
The field "License Plate" becomes a mandatory field as soon as the checkbox "Car Access" is activated in the registration at the kiosk. This setting only affects the area of registration via the kiosk.
Do Not Skip Visitor Registration
Visitors who register via PIN (input or scan) skip the visitor registration screen (i.e. name, company, staff member to be visited, etc.) and are forwarded to the Covid forms (if active) or to the instruction texts. Use this checkbox to deactivate skipping the visitor registration for these visitors.
PreSelect Kiosk Gates
The reception staff must log in to the kiosk once per day and select the corresponding gate. For the selection of this gate at the kiosk, you can allow pre-selection for a gate, so that your employees at gate B do not have to do this small step each day.
Client Management (Multi Company)
There are no further settings to be made for Multicompany, you can only see here whether Multicompany has been licensed.
Module 1 - Signature Pad
Enable/disable the signature pad for visitors or groups.
Keep session
This keeps the login in the browser cache to be automatically restored if the connection is lost.
For more details, see: Additional module - Signature pad
Module 2 - Assistant function Intranet
Configure which additional rights the employees are to be given in the Intranet module.
Read more about the differences and possibilities: Additional module - Assistance
Module 3 - Multi-Visitor
Control where multi-visitor pre-registration (or registration) should be possible.
Module 4 - Barcode Registration
Use of barcodes on ID badges.
For more details see Additional module - Barcode login
Module 5 - Single-Sign-On
Master data synchronisation of your users. There is nothing further to configure in the licence area.
Further information and configurations can be found here: Additional module - Single-Sign-On
Module 6 - Separation of Gates
If you have several gates and have licensed the module, you can activate gate separation for the intranet or reception. This allows staff to log in or register visitors at specific gates.
Control here at which points the gate separation should be controllable.
You can find more information on this under: Additional module - Entrance separation
Module 7 - Notifications
For the notification, only the time for updating can be set additionally.
Example: 10000 ms corresponds to 10 seconds. We recommend values between 10 - 60 seconds.
You can read about how the notifications work here Additional module - Notification
Module 8 - Kiosk Print
After a successful registration via the kiosk, you can automatically start printing badges. You can activate this for individual visitors, groups or permanent visitors.
Print of longterm-visitor badge
Permanent visitor badges are usually only issued to visitors by reception staff. However, you can use the option to have the permanent visitor badges printed by the kiosk as well.
Prevent double printing (if prints have been made before)
If a badge has already been printed via the kiosk or reception, this option prevents further cards from being printed. This prevents e.g. copies of visitor badges from being printed.
Module 9 - Webcam in Empfang
In addition to the de-/activation, you can set the desired resolution size of the camera here, which is also to be used in the surface of the recording.
Do not forget that you still have to activate the webcam function for each required gate. You activate this at the respective gate in the administration.
Here you will find the module explanation Additional module - Webcam
Module 10 - Excel Import
Only the control in which module you want to allow the import function via Excel lists.
Here you will find the module explanation Additional module - Excel-Import
Module 11 - Office
With the Office Module, ID VisitControl has the possibility to send e-mails.
Activate Sending Emails
Basically the function for sending e-mails
Activate Email Templates
Provides you with the function and customisation of the email templates in the Administration (Office → Email Templates).
Send E-Mails to Multi Visitors (in Empfang/in Intranet)
This function allows you to send an e-mail to each visitor of the multiple registration if an e-mail address has been assigned to the visitor.
Activate Attachments (Media Files)
In the administration under Office → Media Files, you will find the option to control e-mail attachments. This also activates the intermediate screen (File Attachments) in the login and pre-registration for selecting file attachments.
E-Mail format validation
With this function, the entry of the e-mail address is checked for a logical entry in reception and intranet. An entry such as "test" is then not accepted. However, it is not possible to check whether the e-mail address actually exists.
Activate Extra CC Emails
Here you will find the module explanation Office - Create & edit e-mail templates
Edit media on send e-mail
Before resending an e-mail via the pre-registered list, you can change the selection of attachments.
Module 12 - Data Verification
Disable/enable automatic duplicate cleaning.
Here you will find the module explanation Additional module - Data verification (duplicate check)
Module 13 - Clean Data
Disable/enable automatic data cleansing.
Here you will find the module explanation Additional module - Clean Data (GDPR)
Module 14 - PinIdent Web
Use of Web Pin Ident.
Here you will find the module explanation Additional module - Web Pin Ident
Module 15 - Visitor Portal
If you activate the Visitor Portal via the licence page, you must log off and log on again in the administration after saving the settings. You will then see the menu item "Visitor Portal" in the main menu where you can make further settings for the Visitor Portal.
Visitor Forms Freeze Mode (with revisions)
By default, visitor forms are always "up to date". In some cases, however, you also need the "old" versions, which allows you to assign the signatures and the "version of the forms".
For this purpose, there is an option, to whereby a version can be freezed (i.e. closed / unchangeable).
The following graphic shows the procedure for generating a new revision and also freezing it
In the area of the visitor portal list (Admin > Visitor Portal > Visitor Form) you will find the forms.
With a click on the blue "Revisions" button, you will find the list of all versions for a form.
In the popup, you can view the old versions (with the eye icon) or start a new version from a version.When you have generated a new version, a yellow button with a lock is displayed next to the settings buttons. From this we can see that a form is in edit mode.
When you have adjusted the form according to your wishes, finalise (close) the form with the lock button.
Save visitors as CAPITAL LETTERS
First and last names of visit data in the Visitor Portal are hereby converted to uppercase letters.
Use new Visitor Portal language workflow
The new language workflow for the Visitor Portal, combines language selection and pin/name entry on the same screen. Instead of using a separate screen for language and pin/name selection as before.
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Equitania Software GmbH
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E-Mail: info(at)equitania.de
Website: Equitania Software GmbH
ID Ausweissysteme GmbH
Giesenheide 40
40724 Hilden
Phone: +49 2103 33275-0
Fax: +49 2103 33275-111
E-Mail: info(at)idausweissysteme.com
Website: ID Ausweissysteme GmbH